Challenges of regularization of informal settlements in South East Europe

Authors Мојовић Ђ., Ференчак М. City Skopje Publication date 2011 Publishers NALAS ISBN / ISSN 978-608-65394-6-7

This study is a result of the regional project in urban planning managed under the NALAS (Network of Associations of Local Authorities of SEE) Task Force for Urban Planning. UDP was engaged for conducting research and preparation of the study. The study is translated in 9 languages and is provided as a summarized version as well. The Project has been implemented by Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities, the national association of local authorities in Serbia, from November 2010 to October 2011. 13 NALAS members from 11 countries have participated in the Project.  The purpose of this publication was to offer local government associations and their members set of quality arguments for future negotiations with central level governments about improvement of legal framework for urban planning. 
The study provides an overview of the planning systems, explores treatment of the selected key issues, such as a) Responsibilities of local governments in the planning process, b) Flexibility and efficiency of local plans and procedures, c) Citizen participation, d) Issues related to the content of the general urban plan, and e) Land management issues.
A special part is dedicated to informal settlements and legalization, the issue immanent as one of the biggest problems of urban development in practically all participating countries.